The 2017 Public Sector for the Future Summit
Citizen-Driven by Design
When & Where
June 13-15, 2017
Harvard University | Cambridge, MA

A Report, reflecting on and summarizing the sessions and insights that occured at this Summit, is now available for download.

About the Summit


Citizens around the world are demanding more responsive, more impactful, and less costly government. From the recent U.S. elections, to “Brexit,” to growing populist movements in Europe and across the globe, the burning platform for leaders now is making government better, faster, cheaper, and ultimately—citizen-driven by design.

Surging to the top of citizen-driven solutions is the intersection of behavioral economics, data and analytics, and design-thinking. When combined, these emerging strategies position leaders to better understand the needs of citizens, design better services, and leverage “nudge” solutions that have been proven to not only make services more beneficial for citizens, but also generate improved outcomes and public value.

Savvy leaders are already putting “nudge” strategies to work. Initiatives such as the U.K. Behavioral Insights Team, the U.S. Social and Behavioral Sciences Team, the Qatari Nudge Unit, and an array of state, local, and regional efforts around the globe are using simple and cost-effective tools to reduce costs and improve results in services such as education, consumer protection, tax collection, transportation, health, and beyond.

Yet even with this progress by early adopters, most public sector organizations are unsure how to proceed. Government historically has been control-driven by design—and redesigning government to be citizen-driven by design runs headlong into established policies, structures, systems, and processes. Thus, as leaders look to the potential of citizen-driven design and “nudge” strategies, they find themselves grappling with challenging questions:

  • Where and how can citizen-driven design and “nudge” concepts be readily applied to policy development, citizen-facing services, and back-office solutions?
  • How can data and analytics be leveraged to better understand not only where behavioral insights can be applied, but also how to redesign public services?
  • What are the cultural and political implications and effects of “nudge” solutions on an organization, and how should leaders prepare their stakeholders?
  • How can leaders develop their human capital capabilities to harness the potential of behavioral insights, data and analytics, and design thinking?

To address these critical questions and to help leaders move forward, Leadership for a Networked World, the Technology and Entrepreneurship Center at Harvard, and Accenture, are convening the 2017 Public Sector for the Future Summit: Citizen-Driven by Design. This eleventh annual Summit will build on the Public Sector Uptake and Edge Matrix by not only helping participants implement near-term innovations, but also guiding their design of long-term strategies that improve evidence-based government, optimize the enterprise, create citizen-centric services, and develop the workforce of the future. To do so, participants will be immersed in a hands-on experience using data, analytics, behavioral economics, and design thinking to address current challenges and to support citizen-facing and operational innovations.

Who Should Attend?

Summit attendees are senior-level, public-sector and education executives (CEO, COO, CIO, CDO, Mayor, Secretary, Executive Director, Minister, Commissioner, etc.), who aspire to improve performance in the near term and redesign public institutions for the long term. Regardless of title, all Summit attendees are “Chief Transformation Officers” in practice—leaders who work across traditional boundaries (organization, jurisdiction, sector) to create public value.

Admission & Participation

The Summit is an invitation-only program for senior public-sector and higher-education executives. Other applicants will be reviewed and accepted on a case-by-case basis, depending in part on available space. We typically receive more applications than we can accommodate, so apply for your seat as soon as possible. This event is supported by the hosting and collaborating organizations, so there is no tuition fee to attend. Travel and hotel expenses, however, are the responsibility of individual participants.

Hardik Bhatt
State of Illinois

Leslie Brunelli
VP and CFO
University of South Carolina

Stu Davis
CIO and Assistant Director
Ohio Department of Administrative Services

Sid Johnson
Public Service Faculty
Carl Vinson Institute of Government, University of Georgia

Chris Liu
State of Washington Department of Enterprise Services

Matt Massman
Minnesota Department of Administration

Sharon Minnich
Secretary, Office of Administration
Pennsylvania Office of the Governor

Bob Oglesby
Commissioner of the Dept. of General Services,
State of Tennessee

Scott Pattison
Executive Director
National Governors Association

Mike Teller
Idaho Tax Commission

John Traylor
Executive Deputy Comptroller for Operations
New York Office of the State Comptroller

Sean Vinck
Commonwealth of Massachusetts

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